Friday 7 December 2012

my current favourite 3 books (fiction) #1.

Ever since I got my Kindle in April, I've literally been addicted. Not only does it save me money as eBooks are generally a lot cheaper than paperbacks/hardbacks, it's saved a lot of space on my shelves. I have two shelving units, quite large ones, crammed with books from my childhood/recent purchases from about a year ago, that I can't bear to throw away. So now my Kindle is filled with mature books, unlike the books on my shelves, like the Famous Five series.

Lately, I've loved reading books on the Kindle and in general really. I've found that I've got through a lot of books really quickly and maybe in the new year, I'll do another post with my other favourite books!

~ The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - this book is incredible. I read it on holiday in Tunisia and at first, I didn't enjoy it at all. It's about a boy called Charlie who is new at high school and writes about his new experiences and friends to an anonymous person though letters. I found it quite difficult to understand at first as it had an unusual format of telling a story through letters. Once I got through a quarter of the book, I was hooked. I really like how throughout the book, we see the Charlie slowly coming out of his shell. If you haven't yet seen the amazing film, I recommend you read this first as the film cuts out a lot of vital information, making it quite hard to understand. The only thing I dislike about the book is the length. I found it was so short and I was wishing it could be longer somehow because I didn't want to end as I loved it so much.

~ The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - you may soon see a pattern in future posts as several of my current favourites are by John Green. John is a fantastic writer, probably one of the best I have come across. He has a very influential way of writing. He writes as if he is your friend casually talking to you but the way he writes is so mesmerizing at the same time, if that is even possible. The book is about a girl called Hazel who has cancer. It also features a boy called Augustus Waters, who also has cancer, and well, it's pretty much a boy meets girl story. Despite being so predictable, which I usually hate, he writes in a way that makes you know what's coming up but slowly doubting your certainty. Even though it is predictable, it's still so touching and awe-inspiring at the same time. I definitely recommend this for nearly everyone, even if you aren't a fan of love stories, it's got a real good storyline, which is a characteristic sometimes lost in typical books about love.

~ The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold - I watched this film before I read the book and that is possibly one thing that I regret. I'm a firm believer that books are better than the films produced out of them and this was no exception. I found myself knowing what was happening next and I definitely didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. The book is about a girl who is murdered by her neighbour and watches down on her friends, family and killer, in purgatory. It was really touching to read her slowly accept her death and move on and eventually, go to heaven. I must say that even though the film was amazing, the book is just so good, words can't describe it. This book is not for the faint-hearted as I found it was a tear-jerker, which is very strange for me as the only book I've cried through is Cloud Busting by Malorie Blackman.

I hope you liked this and if you want me to do more posts like this, please let me know!
Kayla x

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