Thursday 11 October 2012

autumn skincare routine.

In Autumn, I tend to slightly switch up my skincare routine to help keep my skin hydrated in the cold London months.

source: weheartit

In the morning, I wash my face with Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Scrub and after, I moisturise with Boots Botanics Calming Day Cream. That's really it for the morning.

In the night, I'll wash my face again but this time I only wash it with water since if I wash my face too much, I get a lot of spots, weird huh? I then again moisturise with the same Boots Botanics Calming Day Cream. On in the night, if I notice any spots on my face, I use the Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Treatment directly onto the spot. 

Twice a week, instead of using a scrub, I use the Garnier Pure 3 in 1: Wash, Scrub and Mask. I actually only use this as a mask because I think it's the nicest mask I have ever used, seriously. 

Also, twice a week, I use the Neutrogena Spot Stress Cleansing Lotion. I put this onto a cotton pad and swipe it all over my face to remove dirt, oil and impurities. I don't use this everyday because I find that my skin freaks out and I get massive breakouts. 

As you can tell, I don't use a lot of products on my skin because 1) I don't have the time in the morning/I can't be bothered and 2) for my skin, and my hair too, less is more as it gets oily throughout the day, even though it's pretty dry. I don't cleanse and tone my skin for the same reasons and I don't think I've ever found a cleanser or toner that I can use daily without getting breakouts - it's great to have sensitive skin ugh.

I hope you liked this even though it was a lot shorter than I expected.

Kayla x

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